Game Genie Save Editor for PS3

Thank you for purchasing Game Genie Save Editor for PS3.

If you have not already installed this product, please see the Installation Guide provided.

Before using this product, we recommend you take a few moments to read through this manual.

About this product

Game Genie Save Editor for PS3 allows you to unlock your PlayStation 3 game saves to give you an advantage. With modifications to allow more lives, ammo or unlock levels, Game Genie Save Editor for PS3 lets you play your games as never before!

Game Genie Save Editor for PS3 is not sponsored or endorsed by Sony.

This product may NOT be copied, duplicated, modified, disassembled, transmitted, hired or resold.


Activation is automatically completed once the software is installed and the Game Genie Save Editor for PS3 will be locked to that computer.

To deactivate, load the Game Genie Save Editor. Once loaded, select SETTINGS and then click the DEACTIVATE button. This will de-activate the Game Genie Save Editor and allow installation to another machine.

Getting started

See the Game Genie Save Editor - Quick Start Guide section for quick and easy to use step-by-step instructions.

For a full explanation of how it works and features, see the Game Genie Save Editor - Full Guide section.

Game Genie Save Editor - Quick Start Guide

To use Game Genie Save Editor for PS3, first you will need a supported PS3 save. To see which games are supported, load Game Genie Save Editor. Once loaded, a list of supported saves will be shown along with the number of cheats available.

NOTE: To see the supported games, make sure that the Game Genie USB drive or any other devices which contain PS3 saves are not inserted into the computer.

Although some games may show no cheats, the PS3 save can still be decrypted and modifications made manually. See the Advanced Mode section for further details.

Copying from the PS3 to the Game Genie USB drive

For this, you will need the Game Genie USB drive and the PS3 to be turned on and in the XMB.

1) Insert the Game Genie USB drive into the PS3.

2) On the XMB, scroll across to GAMES and then scroll down to SAVED DATA UTILITY (PS3). Select this option.

3) Find the PS3 save you wish to copy to the Game Genie USB drive and press the TRIANGLE BUTTON on the PS3 controller.

4)  Select COPY and then select the Game Genie USB drive as the destination.

5) Repeat the above steps if you wish to copy more PS3 saves, otherwise remove the Game Genie USB drive from the PS3 when finished.

Using Game Genie Save Editor

With Game Genie Save Editor loaded, insert the Game Genie USB drive. After a few seconds, a list of detected PS3 saves will be shown.

1) Double click on the PS3 save you wish to apply cheats to. A window should now appear with the cheats.

2) Select the cheats you wish to apply by clicking in the box to the left of the cheat description. A tick will appear to indicate that the cheat is turned on.

3) If you are happy with your selection, click APPLY. Clicking CLOSE will cancel any cheats you activated.

4) Follow any on screen instructions.

5) Your PS3 save should now have the cheats applied. To modify other PS3 saves, repeat the above steps or remove the Game Genie USB drive from your computer.

Copying from the Game Genie USB drive to the PS3

For this, you will need the Game Genie USB drive and the PS3 to be turned on and in the XMB.

1) Insert the Game Genie USB drive into the PS3.

2) On the XMB, scroll across to GAMES and then scroll down to SAVED DATA UTILITY (PS3). Select this option.

3) Any inserted USB devices will be shown at the top. Select the Game Genie USB drive.

3) Find the PS3 save you wish to copy to the PS3 and press the TRIANGLE BUTTON on the PS3 controller.

4)  Select COPY. You may see a warning about overwriting the existing PS3 save. You must select YES otherwise the PS3 save on the Game Genie USB will not be copied.

5) Repeat the above steps if you wish to copy more PS3 saves, otherwise remove the Game Genie USB drive from the PS3 when finished.

To use, load your game and associated PS3 save as normal and enjoy!

Game Genie Save Editor - Full Guide

Below is a full guide to all the features and functions of the Game Genie Save Editor for PS3.

The Game Genie Save Editor interface

With its built in PS3 save detection and ability to choose between supplied cheats or make your own modification, the Game Genie Save Editor allows you full control of your PS3 saves.

Here’s a brief explanation of the interface and what each function does:

Game List

With no USB drive inserted, all supported games are shown.

With a  USB drive inserted, all the detected PS3 saves on the USB drive along with the number of cheats available. Double clicking on the PS3 save will activate Quick Mode and show all the cheats available.

If there is more than one PS3 save available for a particular game, double clicking will show all the PS3 saves for that game.

Any PS3 saves that are not currently supported will be shown at the bottom against a red background. Don’t worry if your PS3 save isn’t currently supported, as we’re working through the hundreds of PS3 games available as quickly as possible!

Right clicking on a supported PS3 save will show the following options:

Quick Mode - See the section Quick Mode for more information.

Advanced Mode - See the section Advanced Mode for more information.

Restore from backup - This allows you to restore from a previous backup of the currently selected PS3 save if one exists. For this to function, the option must be turned on within SETTINGS.

A backup is made before a modification is made in either Quick Mode or Advanced Mode. Each time a modification is made in either of those modes, the save is backed up locally. If, after trying the PS3 save, you wish to revert to the version before you made modifications, then this option will allow you to overwrite the save on the USB drive with that stored on the computer.

NOTE: Only the last backup made can be restored to the USB drive. Any modifications you made to that PS3 save will still be present. For example, if you modify a PS3 save twice and then you restore the PS3 save, the first lot of modifications will still be present.

Delete save - This will delete the currently highlighted PS3 save.

NOTE: Once deleted, the PS3 save cannot be recovered.


Within settings are options which control how Game Genie Save Editor works.

Backup Save - This option when turned on will backup the PS3 save you wish to modify before any changes are made therefore allowing the PS3 save to be restored. For more information about this feature, see …

Check for updates - Clicking the UPDATE button will check for the latest version of the Game Genie Save Editor software.

Deactivate this software - This allows you to deactivate the software so that it can longer be used on the current computer, ie you’re sending the computer off for repair or are upgrading to a new one. Once deactivated, the software can be installed to another computer.


Clicking this will open up the latest version of the help for the Game Genie Save Editor.

Quick Mode

With Game Genie Save Editor loaded, insert the Game Genie USB drive. After a few seconds, a list of detected PS3 saves will be shown.

1) Double click on the PS3 save you wish to apply cheats to. A window should now appear with the cheats.

2) Select the cheats you wish to apply by clicking in the box to the left of the cheat description. A tick will appear to indicate that the cheat is turned on. To turn the cheat off, simply click the box again.

3) If you are happy with your selection, click APPLY. Clicking CLOSE will cancel any cheats you activated.

4) Follow any on screen instructions.

5) Your PS3 save should now have the cheats applied. To modify other PS3 saves, repeat the above steps or remove the Game Genie USB drive from your computer.

Advanced Mode

Once you have inserted the Game Genie USB drive, right click on the PS3 save you wish to modify and then click ADVANCED MODE...

A window will appear showing your decrypted PS3 save as hexadecimal and ASCII.

On the right of the window are two boxes: CHEATS and CODES. If cheats exist for that game, they will be shown here. Clicking a cheat description will show the codes for it. If you then click one of the shown codes, you will be taken to the address for that value and the value currently present will be highlighted.

To make a change, left click on the value you wish to change and then enter the new value.

Once a change has been made, you can click APPLY or to cancel any changes, click CLOSE.

Transferring a PS3 save to and from your computer

Transferring a PS3 save from your PS3 to your computer and from your computer to your PS3 is quite simple. Below is a step by step guide to help those who have never used this function before.

NOTE: Some PS3 saves cannot be copied from your PlayStation 3. In these cases, you will not have the option to copy your PS3 save to any USB drive.

Copying from the PS3 to the Game Genie USB drive

For this, you will need the Game Genie USB drive and the PS3 to be turned on and in the XMB.

1) Insert the Game Genie USB drive into the PS3.

2) On the XMB, scroll across to GAMES and then scroll down to SAVED DATA UTILITY (PS3). Select this option.

3) Find the PS3 save you wish to copy to the Game Genie USB drive and press the TRIANGLE BUTTON on the PS3 controller.

4)  Select COPY and then select the Game Genie USB drive as the destination.

5) Repeat the above steps if you wish to copy more PS3 saves, otherwise remove the Game Genie USB drive from the PS3 when finished.

Copying to the PS3 from the Game Genie USB drive

For this, you will need the Game Genie USB drive and the PS3 to be turned on and in the XMB.

1) Insert the Game Genie USB drive into the PS3.

2) On the XMB, scroll across to GAMES and then scroll down to SAVED DATA UTILITY (PS3). Select this option.

3) Any inserted USB devices will be shown at the top. Select the Game Genie USB drive.

3) Find the PS3 save you wish to copy to the PS3 and press the TRIANGLE BUTTON on the PS3 controller.

4)  Select COPY. You may see a warning about overwriting the existing PS3 save. You must select YES otherwise the PS3 save on the Game Genie USB will not be copied.

5) Repeat the above steps if you wish to copy more PS3 saves, otherwise remove the Game Genie USB drive from the PS3 when finished.

To use, load your game and associated PS3 save as normal and enjoy!


If you have any issues or further questions about this product, please visit the support section at: